“Teatro UP was a complement to my professional training and to my life. It helped me to consolidate myself as a person. It was a group that showed me the value of my voice, of being part of a team and fulfilling commitments. It was totally like a mine full of learning.”
- Lucero Canton, Alumni

Teatro UP has carried out a series of works with different themes so that the spectator can see the work of the students, because they are the ones in charge of the production of the work, whether in scenery, costumes, props, voices, choreography. and assembly. These stagings seek to generate emotion and memory in the spectator public.
A video is recorded of all the works that is documented with the entire production portfolio of the work, recorded an album of the musical “CATS”, of which we had two seasons. Musical works are presented and dramatic so there is variety. below a list of works that have been presented in theater up.

Assemble plays with the participation of students both in
production and on stage, so that they learn to be proactive and
to solve problems creatively, thus giving young people
comprehensive training.
That young people learn from the theatrical experience and pass it on to new generations and then
get to know and apply their new recreational skills in other companies and/or show their
new work techniques in their next professional activities. All this with ethical training,
quality and Christian vision of life, so that they aspire to fullness professionally and in life.
-Train students in parallel with the values of the
-Mount quality works that show work and
-Increase the number of people who attend the works
according to semesters.
-Train students in the scenic area and production

"Teatro Up has been a constant growth for me where I have always learned from incredible people. It has taught me to believe in myself and to unite my work with my passion"
- Wendy Figueroa, Current member of the UP Theater Representative Group